Queries to Service Desk

In 2022, approximately 154,000 queries were registered to the joint customer service desk of OR, Veitur Utilities, ON Power, Reykjavík Fibre Network, and Carbfix; a considerable increase from the previous year. Most were from customers who were delivering meter readings, followed by inquiries regarding bills. The diagram shows the distribution of the queries by category, andattached below there is a separate section for suggestions and complaints regarding environmental issues. It also reports on notifications to licensors.

It is hoped that the introduction of automatic readings of energy consumption, which began in 2021, will significantly reduce the need for such customer inquiries. Systematic efforts are being made, in parallel with the replacement of older meters, to ensure that customers' self-service is responsive and effective.

Collaboration with regulators, stakeholders, and customers of Reykjavik Energy Group is important to its employees, as it draws attention to, and puts emphasis on, the most important issues. An example of that would be regular meetings with regulators, and Reykjavik Energy Group's use of social media.

Queries to service desk

Agile collecting delivers better results

In recent years, OR has worked systematically to improve the collection of trade receivables. The focus is on helping people who fall into arrears out of them. The number of resources available to customer service representatives to resolve issues has been increased and the entire billing process has been streamlined. This has contributed to the fact that arrears have decreased and the number of closures due to arrears has decreased.

In the year of the main impact of the corona virus on human life and business, 2020, the number of shutdowns decreased, but the number increased again in 2021. However, about a third of all shutdowns in 2022 were due to a changed procedure for changing electricity vendors, that is, the shutdowns are now used to force customers to choose one of the electricity sellers markets. Without this, the number of closures would have decreased between 2021 and 2022.

Closures due to arrears 2006-2022